Powered Through Technology

Partner Webinar - Thurs., Oct 19, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. ET

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by trying to understand technology? We all have!

Powered Through Technology teaches the basics of backend Enterprise hardware like Servers/Compute. We will look at current IT trends and dive into what they are and why people utilize them. Security will be explained in a way that is digestible and applicable to all businesses. Technology shouldn’t be hard within the walls of business and if it is – it might be time to shake things up! With things like, Cloud, AI, and ML things can get very convoluted so let’s break them apart. We will understand together the differences in hardware and software basics to run your business. We will learn why physical and software security measures are crucial and change the way your business is protected.
Your forward technological understanding can curate the rest of your journey.

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